By Saksham Verma

A satellite has many complex parts and subtle yet important intricacies involved, due to this and plenty of other factors it requires a substantial amount of capital investment. The crowd funding campaign allowed us at AlbertaSat to make our ideas a reality. It provided us with funds for basic necessities such as M2 screws and rolls of solder wire. But in addition to this, other more fundamental parts of the Ex-Alta 2 such as the cubesat structure and the space-grade solar cell, were obtained due to this campaign.

Our goal for this crowd funding was $25,000; and ended up raising a total value of $24,470. We can not thank our donors enough. Their kind hearts and the vision which they share with us at AlbertaSat, has truly created a dream team.

We would also like to shine light upon some of our highest contributors, namely: Brandon Hodge, Kelsey Truran and Charles Nokes. It has truly been an honor to see the support you give us and the belief our project that you portray. We will not let you down. The Ex-Alta 2 will soon soar through the orbit, and we will never be able to forget your kind gestures and unrivaled support. 

We’d like to thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.